Ch ch ch changes…

Man, there’s been a lot going on in my life these past few weeks. Hopefully by now you know that I am finishing up my time at The Journey Church in 3 more weeks, and beginning a new role at The Meeting House. It’s a BIG CHANGE, one Jordan and I did not consider lightly, but we both feel this is God’s plan and timing for us.

This past weekend at TJC is one I will remember. Dave and I met with our children’s coordinators and new interim director to talk about the fall in transition time. It is so inspiring to hear how Journey Kids is going, and dreaming of the ways God is going to continue to develop leaders and raise of followers of Christ. Saturday night I played bass at church, which I don’t think I’ve done for months. Still remembered where all the notes were. Had a blast.

On Sunday I got to baptize 5 kids! Kids I have known for most of the 5 years I’ve been here, whose faith I’ve seen go from knowing about God to choosing to follow God. The celebration with families is heartwarming. I have to say, baptizing kids is something I am going to miss. In the last 5 years I’ve baptized 40 people at TJC! God is so incredibly on the move among His people!!!

And Sunday night was mine and Jordan’s final youth night. “Fun with Flags” had to happen at Allison due to rain, but that didn’t stop 45 youth and leaders from having a super fun 2.5 hour event. At the end the leaders and kids gathered to pray over us, and they made us a farewell card. Awwww :’) I’m going to miss those kids!

Now it’s Monday and I’m on a plane to my new church’s staff retreat. It’s weird that I was in Journey’s AGM yesterday, hearing about vision/goals/plans for the coming year, and now I’m going to get the same thing from Meeting House. I am so excited to meet everyone and get my feet in.

No matter how exciting the call or how sure you are of God’s leading, change is always hard. You second-guess yourself. You’re sad about the people you’re going to leave. You’re unsure of the people you’re going to meet. Humans are hard-wired to resist change. When things are comfortable, known, part of you is always going to want to just stay there. And I have had those thoughts. TJC is a GREAT place and I am going to miss it terribly!!! But I know God knows what’s ahead, and He’s already preparing for it. The house will sell, the move will happen, Jordan will find a job, we will find friends, we will transition well. These are the things I believe in my heart and are trusting God for. Let’s see what’s around the bend!

To my Journey family, thank you for the last 5 years. You have given me more than you know. Your love, patience, willingness to try anything, and friendship will be treasured for life. 5 years ago I was NOT ready for the position you gave me, but God in His goodness equipped me for the work. And brought me so many people to help me: Dave, the staff, friends and mentors. Thank you.

And now, I’m about to step into a position that I also am NOT ready for. But God will do it again. He always does. And there’s nothing more invigorating than knowing your only choice is to rely on Him! Scary… But invigorating. :)


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