
Showing posts from September, 2016


A few weeks ago I was having coffee with one of the kids coordinators at my church (this is happening a lot lately as I am super new!). She asked me how the move from Moncton NB to Toronto has been. I did the usual spiel… it’s a lot bigger, a lot busier, there’s so many apartments and very little sprawling green land. There’s a lot more people around, but I am liking the change to a faster pace. She chuckled. A few years ago she moved to Toronto as well… from Hong Kong. Her experience? She can’t believe how much smaller/less busy it is, how big the lots of land are and how much green space there is! She is loving the slower pace. Funny, right? We both moved to the same region, yet our perspective on what it is like is exactly opposite. It got me thinking how the same thing can so easily happen to us in work, in ministry. Do you have days (or seasons) where you can’t believe how horrible things are? Maybe you feel disrespected. Or maybe you feel like you are the only Pastor in