
Showing posts from March, 2016

Why Women Lead

I am very grateful that Crandall University has begun offering free public lectures this year. In January I attended “5 reasons why youth leave the church”, and this month I attended “why women don’t lead” presented by Dr. John Stackhouse. Given that I am a woman who leads, and it’s women’s history month, I figured I’d offer some reflections of my own. I am a woman, and an ordained Pastor in the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches . I am not getting in to the theology debate here. There is plenty of that already written . I grew up in a church where equality in leadership was normal. I also grew up in a home where leadership was based on the giftings of my parents, which I am so incredibly grateful for. Because of this, I didn’t even know it was an issue in the church until I went to seminary. I think my upbringing gave me the ability to work through the “discussion” as I completed my studies, and became the first female at my SFE placement to get a church license to minister.