Kids Ministry post Covid

This post originally appeared at

It’s been more than a year since kids have been able to attend church in a “normal” way. Our infants are now two, our JK’s are now in Grade 1, and our Grade 4’s are already gone to Jr High! It’s been an adjustment moving from Church at Home back to in-person experiences, and we’re not all the way there yet.

As we navigate pandemic protocols, rebuilding teams, and waiting for vaccine options for kids, you might ask “why bother?” I'm glad you asked!

We need each other. While it's true that parents are the primary spiritual influencers on a child’s life, they’re not the only ones. As children grow, it's so important for them to know others from their church family who love them and point them towards Jesus. Having friends who follow Jesus is important too! Sunday gatherings create an easy place for families to get connected and learn about Jesus together (especially for families new to our church).

We need routine. How many weeks this past year have you said “We’re going to do church as a family this week,” and then don’t? The weekly routine of setting an alarm, getting dressed, and going out the door helps us create the rhythm of regular engagement with our church. Kids thrive on routine; knowing every Sunday they get to go to church helps create the flow of faith in their lives.

We need the supernatural. Your kids ministry creates a space that is uniquely focused on Jesus. Every “aha!” moment, every time a child (or leader) connects the dots, every time something is learned or experienced, God’s spirit moves. Having a specific space for that on Sunday helps our faith become more alive and vibrant. The Spirit can work anywhere, but it sure does help to have a dedicated space at church!

We understand that parents are navigating really tough realities these days. How safe is church? How many places should my child be going before they can be vaccinated? What if they get Covid and give it to a family member? As you navigate the needs of your own family, we pray you'll engage with your faith community, whether it's online, through subscription boxes, or in the class on Sundays.

We love you and are excited to journey with you as we follow Jesus together!


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